Teacup Maltese vs. Standard Maltese: What’s the Difference?

The lack of space in apartments makes dog owners opt for small dog breeds, as they are easy to care for, need fewer exercise routines, and allow owners to carry their furry companions anywhere with greater ease.

The Teacup Maltese dogs are smaller than the toy dogs, which weigh around seven pounds; however, a couple of breeders work considerably to minimize the sizes to create different variations of the Teacups. There are several key differences between the toy Maltese and the Teacup breeds, which share similar physical traits in the manner in which they are bred.

White maltese dog lies on carpet and looking ahead

Difference Between Teacup Maltese & Standard Maltese

The Maltese breed is the most adorable due to its charming personas and beautiful appearance. However, selecting between the Standard and Teacup Maltese involves several considerations. Each has its distinctive traits, catering to a myriad of choices and lifestyles.


The highly unique and notable feature that helps to differentiate the teacup and the toy is their sizes. The standard Maltese dogs are the smaller-sized dogs that the American Kennel Club notably categorizes under the toy group. Their height of seven to nine inches makes them ideal dogs for smaller households.

However, the teacups are notably compact compared to the regular Maltese. To convey the ideal notion about their smaller sizes, the Teacup Maltese are extremely small, allowing you to fit them within a teacup whenever they are of puppy age, and it is from this that they derive their name.


The small dog breeds are lighter in terms of weight. The standard Maltese, as per the standards of the American Kennel Club, is often expected to weigh right under seven pounds. With things that are being mentioned, it is noted that the toy Maltese typically weighs between four to six pounds.

Alternatively, Teacup Maltese are fully grown and weigh notably less. These Teacup breeds are often expected to weigh between two and four pounds.

Breeding Methods

The standard Maltese dogs are created through prominent breeders with the use of traditional breeding methods that aim towards enhancing the breed. The Standard Maltese are typically bred, involving the selection of parents in the standard size range. The breeders create well-balanced and healthy dogs that meet the weight and size guidelines set by the kennel clubs. The Teacup Maltese dogs are created using selective breeding practices streamlined to make the smallest puppies.

Temperament and Behavior

The Standard and the Teacup Maltese share identical temperaments, which are characterized by their adorable, affectionate, and playful natures. They are considered the ideal furry companions who often build robust bonds with their owners. 

Despite their shared traits, there are a couple of key behavioral differences one should consider. Standard Maltese dogs are bigger and appear to be more energetic and confident. They are compact yet manageable, with a lot of strength and stamina, making them the best addition to families with kids and other pets.

The Teacup Maltese are dogs that are highly delicate and less energetic, considering their size. They often need a greater level of care and attention, mainly in terms of playtime and handling. Such compact-sized dogs can sometimes be highly reserved or timid, specifically around bigger animals in unfamiliar spaces. They often thrive in quiet and calm settings where they feel secure and safer.


The Maltese dogs are typically considered the healthier breed and often appear to live a longer life of about twelve to fifteen years. Weighing less and being compact, they are often associated with considerable risks and heart-related issues.

Like any other toy breed, both the standard and Teacup Maltese remain prone to dental problems such as periodontal disease, which implies that dog owners should focus on their dental health. They would suffer from slipped kneecaps or luxating patella, eye diseases, as well as respiratory issues. It is often advised by the American Kennel Club, which remains the best breeder, to get the puppies for sale in terms of diagnosing the heart and luxating patella issues.

Teacup Maltese are often prone to significant health issues compared to standard Maltese. Conditions remain common in the Teacup Maltese, including low blood sugar, dental issues, fragile bones, seizures, and notable heart health issues.

Care and Maintenance

Caring for the Maltese appropriately, whether it is the standard or the Teacup ones, consists of greater commitment towards their maintenance and grooming needs. Both types come with a silkier and long coat that requires regular brushing for the prevention of tangles and matting. It is also essential to get the proper Maltese haircuts done by visiting professional groomers every couple of weeks, which is advised in terms of keeping them in the best condition.

However, the compact size of these Teacup Maltese makes grooming highly complex. Their unique frame indicates the additional care required while bathing or brushing them to avoid injuries of all types. Furthermore, due to their compact mouths, Teacup Maltese dogs are often prone to dental health issues, which makes regular teeth cleaning extremely important.

The Teacup Maltese dogs continue to need regular grooming, which is typically seamless and offers better care in this regard. Their bigger size often makes them less fragile, as they can handle the entire grooming process more easily.



Although the Teacup Maltese never gets identified as the breed on its own by the American Kennel Club, the unethical breeders use the team, such as “teacup,” as their marketing game, making the possible buyers understand that they create something extremely precious and scarce. Considerably, they generally ask for premium grade Teacup Maltese dogs compared to what one would expect at paying for regular-sized and healthier Maltese dogs.


The lifespan of the Maltese typically varies, depending on their size and health. The Standard Maltese generally lives between 12 and 15 years, with a few reaching about 18 years with appropriate care. Their bigger sizes, as compared to the Teacup Maltese, indicate that they are less prone to health issues while enjoying longer and healthier lives.

Teacup Maltese dogs are known for their extremely fragile health. They live for an average of 7 to 12 years. Potential owners are often prepared for the greater possibility of vet visits and the topmost care throughout the life of their furry companion.

Teacup Maltese vs. Standard Maltese: Conclusion

Whenever you are landing on the real decision between the Standard and the Teacup, Maltese typically rely greatly on the choices, lifestyles, and ability to meet the distinctive requirements of every dog. Whenever you are in search of strong and compact companions with fewer health concerns with a longer lifespan, Toy breeds are the ideal choice. They render the ideal balance in temperament, size, as well as care needs across pet lovers.

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