Signs of Dog Illness That You Need to Be Aware Of

Dogs are susceptible to a variety of illnesses, some of which can be deadly if not treated in time. It’s important that dog owners are aware of the signs and symptoms of common dog illnesses so they can get their pet the medical attention it needs as soon as possible. In this article, we will discuss the most common signs of illness in dogs so you can be better prepared to deal with them.

pug in blanket

Your Dog Is Vomiting

One of the most common signs that something is wrong with your dog is vomiting. While it’s not unusual for a dog to vomit once in a while, persistent vomiting can be a sign of illness. If your dog is vomiting and has other symptoms such as diarrhea, lethargy, loss of appetite, or weight loss, it’s important to take them to the vet as soon as possible. It’s also extremely important to assess your dog’s vomit color because it can help you understand the reason behind their sickness. Additionally, dogs might start vomiting because they ate something they shouldn’t have, so if you know your dog got into something poisonous, take them to the vet right away.

Your Dog Has Diarrhea

Diarrhea is another common sign of illness in dogs. Similar to vomiting, occasional diarrhea is not unusual, but persistent or severe diarrhea can indicate a problem. If your dog has diarrhea and also seems lethargic or has a loss of appetite, it’s best to take them to see the vet. Additionally, pay attention to your dog’s stool color as this can give you clues about what’s going on with their digestive system. For example, black or tarry stools could be a sign of gastrointestinal bleeding while white or clay-colored stools could indicate liver disease. Green stools indicate dietary indiscretion while yellow stools suggest pancreatitis.

Your Dog Is Drinking Excessive Amounts of Water

If your dog is drinking more water than usual, it could be a sign that they’re not getting enough fluids or that they have an underlying health condition. If you notice your dog is drinking excessive amounts of water and also urinating more frequently, it’s important to take them to the vet as this could be a sign of diabetes. Additionally, to keep track of your dog’s water drinking habits, consider investing in a water fountain for them to use. This will help you have a better understanding of how much water they’re consuming.

Your Dog Is Urinating More Frequently

If you notice your dog is urinating more frequently than usual, it’s important to take them to the vet as this could be a sign of several different health conditions. For example, increased urination can be a sign of diabetes, kidney disease, or a urinary tract infection. Additionally, if your dog is urinating small amounts frequently or leaking urine, this could indicate incontinence which is common in senior dogs. If you suspect it is due to kidney disease, some other signs to make sure it’s kidney disease include weight loss, lethargy, and vomiting.

dog looking to eat from bowl

A Lack of Appetite and Lethargy

One of the most common signs that something is wrong with your dog is a loss of appetite. If your dog suddenly stops eating or doesn’t seem interested in food, it’s best to take them to see the vet. Additionally, dogs who are not eating might also experience weight loss, lethargy, and diarrhea. A loss of appetite can be caused by several different things including, but not limited to, infections, cancer, pain, and organ disease. If your dog is usually energetic and suddenly becomes lethargic or sleepy, it’s important to take them to the vet as this could be a sign of illness. Additionally, if your dog is tired all the time and doesn’t seem interested in playing or going for walks, this could also indicate a problem. Lethargy can be caused by several different things including, but not limited to, infections, heart disease, kidney disease, and cancer.

Your Dog Has Swollen Lymph Nodes or Is Coughing

If you notice that your dog has swollen lymph nodes, it’s important to take them to the vet as this could be a sign of infection or cancer. Additionally, swollen lymph nodes can also indicate an allergic reaction or an autoimmune disease. If your dog has a cough that lasts longer than a week, it’s important to take them to the vet as this could be a sign of kennel cough, heartworm disease, or lung cancer. Additionally, if your dog is coughing up blood or has a severe cough, this is an emergency and you should take them to the vet right away.

It’s important to be aware of the signs of dog illness so that you can take your dog to the vet if something is wrong. If you notice any of the above signs, or if your dog is acting differently in any way, it’s best to take them to see the vet. Early diagnosis and treatment of illness is always the best course of action.

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