Rainy Season Tips for Keeping Your Dog Safe and Healthy

For many dog owners, the rainy season can be hard to deal with on an emotional level. Even though it’s cold and dreary outside and you’re stuck inside more often than not, you have to figure out how to keep your beloved pup safe and happy, even if you can only take them outside when it’s sunny, or there’s no rain.

Fortunately, this article will give tips on getting through the rainy season with your dog in tow and still feeling fine.


Risk Factors in Taking Care of Dogs During Rainy Season

Dogs are more likely to develop health problems during rainy seasons due to various factors, including rainwater contaminating drinking water sources and pools and increased exposure to mosquitoes (and other insects) that carry dangerous diseases like heartworm.

One of the most common risks is worms—especially roundworms—which can be picked up by eating infected dirt or sand while walking on the contaminated ground or playing outside with other animals.

Dogs are also more likely to get injured from slipping on slick floors or out of poorly-secured windows in their home. Keeping dogs inside during the rainy season is essential for their safety.

Finally, some medications used to treat conditions like arthritis can make dogs lethargic when they take them in bad weather. If your dog has such a condition, be sure to consult with your vet about whether they need to be adjusted during the rainy season.

German shorthaired pointer in stream

Tips To Protect Your Dogs During Rainy Season:

Keep them inside

The rainy season can be very dangerous to dogs. They can slip on wet floors or get sick from contaminated water. And, of course, there are all those ticks and mosquitoes that come out in the rain, too. It’s best to keep them indoors as much as possible during wet weather—especially at night when it can be difficult to see mosquitoes near you.

Check paws often

Dogs can’t sweat, so they’re extra sensitive to getting overheated. Bring your pup inside if you notice overheating signs like excessive panting or lethargy. And if you live in an area with rainy weather, it’s a good idea to check their paws before heading out—paw pad injuries are among the most common ailments in dogs during rainy seasons.

How can you tell if there’s an injury? Look for redness, swelling, or cracked skin on their pads. To treat them at home, wash off any debris stuck between their toes with soap and water. Then dry off their feet thoroughly before applying antibiotic ointment. Don’t forget to clean under their nails too.

Keep the grass short

If you have a yard, cutting it short in rainy months can help prevent mudslides. Dogs with long fur are especially vulnerable to grass seeds caught in their fur, which can lead to infections if they’re not groomed regularly.

Contact a vet who can visit your home

If you have a large, active dog or a puppy, taking him to a clinic can be difficult. That’s why most vets near me now offer home visits. With some vet offices even offering 24-hour care, having a sick pet taken care of at home makes it easier to ensure he gets quality attention—and keep an eye on his health so you can catch any sickness before it becomes severe.

So, if you want to know how to take care of dogs in the rainy season, consider looking into visiting vets near me. You might just save yourself a lot of hassle.

pug in blanket

Final Thoughts

Vets can examine and monitor your pet during these months to make sure their health doesn’t deteriorate with age or extreme weather conditions. It’s important to keep our pets active during rainy days, so don’t let a little precipitation stop you from taking them on a walk or throwing them in with their new friends. Being aware of changes to their health is crucial in maintaining them and being aware of how to take care of dogs in rainy weather.

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