7 Ingredients Your Dog Food Must Have!

The best ingredients any dog food can have are the ones that make my dog healthy and happy. I’m not settling on anything less.

However, dog parents usually find it hard to feed their pets something that keeps them healthy and entices their furry friend into eating it, because we all know how most of our dogs turn their heads on most healthy foods.

dog looking to eat from bowl

There are some healthy combos out there that fulfill our guy’s needs. But most importantly, we must look for ingredients that we know are healthy enough to keep the dog active.

Here is a list of 7 ingredients that should be a part of your dog’s daily intake. Have a look and see if your dog likes them in their food.


No one can question the meat that goes into making dog food. Beef, chicken, turkey, and all those important meats out there are the best source of protein for our dogs.

In fact, most vets recommend you feed your dog foods that are high in these ingredients because dogs need protein at every stage of their life!

For starters, proteins build our dogs’ muscles, beautify their coats and build their bones stronger. There is a long list of what crucial role proteins play in their bodies, but to grab the bigger chunks, just know that dogs should and can consume at least 30% of lean meat in their diet each day.

The best dog food for pitbulls is the one in which the protein content is adequate. Since pitbulls are a highly active breed, they need a high protein diet to perform their daily tasks.

A point that needs to be highlighted here is that dogs can’t survive with all-meat meals. Hence, here is your chance to feed meat with other tasty flavors so they can enjoy their food!

pit bull dog


Carbs are known to provide instant glucose, thus are the main source of energy in a dog’s system. Not only this, but carbs also aid with better digestion and improve gut health.

From oats, brown rice, whole grains, barley, whole wheat, whole corn to even potatoes or even sweet potatoes; dogs can safely consume all these carbs to gain instant energy. The only condition is if a dog is not allergic to these carbs.

Some dog owners say their pooch is allergic to grains or barley, which is fair enough. These are low-quality carbs a dog can consume, but you do have other healthier choices that include rice, barley, oats, or simply peas.

The bottom line is, your dog needs carbs as much as any other nutrient, and it doesn’t really matter in what form they consume it as long as it is safe.

If your dog runs away from healthy carbs, you can always mix them with other ingredients that they like to ensure carbs are getting in their body.

dog food bowl next to bowl of raw food


Most people usually think minerals have nothing to do with a dog’s health and are unnecessary for their diet. We must know minerals aids in the way their body functions and are also crucial for biochemical reactions that occur.

They act as mediators, catalysts, and some of them even have roles against inflammation.

Some of the primary minerals are zinc, iron, phosphorus, calcium, chloride, bicarbonate, sodium, and many others. We are already well aware of how iron and calcium work in a dog’s system. And guess what, they are also minerals. Crucial ones.


I can’t emphasize how crucial vitamins are. Common vitamins include vitamin A, B series, C, D, E, and K. Each of these vitamins carries out an important function in the body that is just as important as any other nutrient.

For instance, vitamin D is the main component of healthy bones. It helps in the absorption of calcium which is a mineral. Both of these nutrients complement each other to keep bones strong.

On the other hand, vitamin A makes your dog’s skin and fur lovelier than ever. It also helps with eyesight, especially at night.

Not many know the role of vitamin K in a dog’s body. It helps in improving the coagulation system without which any dog can bleed to a fatal situation.

Vitamins are easily found in common fruits and vegetables. Your dog just needs enough of these to live a healthy life.

feeding a puppy


You know your dog needs fat, right regardless of what everyone says about fat, your dog still needs it to maintain a healthy weight and shape. Obesity is not a good option, but a lean or underweight dog is at a similar risk.

Out of all the fats available, omega 3 and 6 fatty acids have the most critical part of a dog’s daily diet. These are the good fats that cells need to stay alive and keep their heart, lungs, blood vessels, and immunity strong.


Hydration is key.

If your dog consumes food that has a good amount of water, your dog is most likely to stay hydrated throughout the year. The best option here is to go for wet food. Even though it is slightly more expensive than dry food, it optimizes hydration in your dog even in the driest or hottest seasons.

Plus, the high water content in food is excellent for dogs trying to lose weight. Dog owners can go for such food because it quickly fills a dog’s tummy with little to no fatty ingredients that may make a dog obese.

curious dog

Vegetable And Fruits

Vegetables and fruits are the perfect balance of the most nutrients our dogs need. They are full of antioxidants, fibers, and a myriad of other healthy elements that your dog needs in the food they eat every day.

They also work as fantastic snacks between meals. You can feed your dog a slice of honeydew melon and see how much they love it for its juicy sweetness and crunch. Similarly, there are several other vegetables and fruits that your dogs can eat to fill themselves.

Go for blueberries the next time they ask for food outside mealtimes!

Final Thoughts

Needless to say, your dog’s health heavily depends on what you feed them. All the key elements mentioned above facilitate your dog in one way or another, and none of them should be left out for long.

You can try complementing one ingredient with another to ensure they are consuming a balanced diet.

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