Keeping Your Cat Happy and Health

Cats are among the world’s most popular pets, and it is easy to see why. Not only are they so cute and adorable, but they also make great companions.

If you’ve recently adopted a cat, you might be wondering what you need to do to keep your feline friend happy and healthy. Below, we have provided 7 expert cat health tips to help get you on the right path.

Balinese Cat in a Basket

  1. Food

One of the top concerns for most cat owners is how much and how often they should feed their cats? The first and most important thing when it comes to feeding your cat is ensuring that you choose high-quality food. Next, ensure to check the feeding guidelines on the side of the food bag. Keep in mind that cats of different ages will have different nutritional requirements. Also, according to Cummings Veterinary Medical Center, some cats may have special nutritional needs due to food allergies or illnesses. You need to closely monitor you are not overfeeding it. Obesity is one of the biggest health and welfare problems facing domestic cats today. Consult your veterinarian for advice on the best cat food and feed amount. Order cat food in bulk at

  1. Water

How much water your cat needs to drink will vary depending on their size, diet, level of activity, and health. But on average, it ranges between 5 and 10 ounces of fluid per day. Some cats have specific water intake needs. Catster points out that the relatives of the domesticated cat’s wild ancestor who still live in the desert get water from their prey. This means that your domestic cat doesn’t need to drink water as much or as often as humans or dogs do. You can keep your cat well hydrated by feeding them a mix of wet and dry food.

  1. Exercise

While cats are often observed sleeping and lazing around, they need mental stimulation and physical activity to stay happy and healthy. Regular mental and physical exercise can also help prevent destructive behavior and the constant need for attention, stemming from the need to burn off excess energy. This doesn’t mean that you need to put them on a treadmill. Some simple yet effective ways of giving your cat some needed exercise include dragging string toys for your cat to chase, hiding treats, and installing a climbable cat tree.

Two Cats Relaxing

  1. Litter Box Habits

While cleaning the litter box is not the most pleasant job in the house, it remains one of the most important. Ensure to scoop the box each day and completely replace the litter as often as needed. You will be able to know by the smell. One of the best things about cats is that they naturally know to use the litter box. However, we have some tips in case your cat needs help with litter box training. According to The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), your cat’s litter box habits can serve as a good sign of your cat’s health. If you notice that your cat is defecating or urinating outside the litter box, this could be a sign of a serious health issue. Also, look out for poop that appears too soft, too hard, or that contains streaks of blood.

  1. Scratching

Scratching is an intrinsic, natural cat behavior. It is one of the most difficult to stop or discourage. However, it can prove to be problematic when your cat is scratching the wrong surfaces. The best thing you can do is to redirect your cat to something else like a scratching post. If there is a particular spot that you don’t want your cat to scratch, consider applying double-sided tape on the spot.

Persian cat being groomed

  1. Grooming

Cats are excellent at grooming themselves. This explains why their coats are always sleek and shiny. But while short-haired cats don’t need a lot of brushing, cats with long hair need frequent brushing to minimize shedding and lessen hairballs. According to Petcha, alterations in your cat’s grooming routine can be a sign of skin problems and allergies. This can include licking or chewing on a specific spot, itching, or fur loss. Regularly trim your cat’s nails to minimize the risk of damage from scratching. Lastly, make sure that your cat’s teeth are brushed as often as possible. Consult your veterinarian in regards to what foods or products to use for at-home dental care. Never use human toothpaste in your cat.

  1. Vet Visits

It is crucial that you take your new furry friend to the vet as soon as you can for a check-up. Remember to bring along the records you were given about past care. They may need an overall health exam and some vaccines based on their history. The vet will be able to provide more in-depth advice in regards to your cat’s health. After all, vets are the best people to talk to about any big or small cat health issues.

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